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  • 2022年8月29日
  • 2022年8月30日
  • Ruins
  • 5View
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Newgrange is a passage tomb which is much older than the Egyptian pyramids, supposed to be constructed more than 5,000 years ago. The roofbox directly above the entrance is well known.

newgrange entrance 2

The passage and chamber of Newgrange are illuminated by the winter solstice sunrise.   A shaft of sunlight shines through the roofbox over the entrance and penetrates the passage to light up the chamber. The dramatic event lasts for 17 minutes at dawn on the Winter Solstice and for a few mornings either side of the Winter Solstice. 

Newgrange chamber

The Tri-Spiral pattern engraved on one of the stones engraved on one of the stones inside the chamber of Newgrange is designed for irradiating by sunbeam. 

The inside is steeped in darkness all the year round, except this period of Winter Solstice.

In Egypt, the Temple at Abu Simbel, built for Ramses II, incorporated the same “light show”, occurring at Ramses II’s birthday.

Exterior of the Newgrange mound must  be shining brilliantly, covered with white quarts.

Ritual on Winter Solstice is believed in “rebirth”, however, purpose built of Newgrange is still shrouded in mystery.

During excavation, some human remains were discovered, so some believe this spot must be a tomb or for sacrifice, others suggest the astronomical observatory, but concluded still in mystery. It is obvious this site is designed to aligned to celestial motion.
